Frantically Speaking: Website Redesign


Design Question

How might we help first-time users of Frantically Speaking, a public speaking blog and coaching website, better consume the content on the website?


My partner and I redesigned key parts of the Frantically Speaking website to improve the user experience for navigating the website and booking appoinments.

Project Details

Duration: 1 week in Winter 2021 (Design Hackathon Project)
Team: 2 person team
My Role: User Researcher and Designer
Tool: Figma


Frantically Speaking is a website designed to help people improve their communication skills. The target users are entrepreneurs, working professionals, and students. The main features are the public speaking blog, which receives 35,000+ visitors a month, and coaching offerings.

This project was done for a design hackathon. Part of the brief was to improve the website for first-time users.


We did usability tests with user interviews and a competitive analysis to identify key problems with the current website.

Usability Test and User Interview

We conducted 6 usability tests with students and working professionals. We also asked few semi-structured interview questions to further understand how people perceive the website. We focused on understanding how users accessed the blog, how they booked a consulting appointment, and what they expect out of a website aiming to help with public speaking.

Here are the key insights:

Insight 1

Navigation process to find desired information has a poor user experience, especially on the blog page

Insight 2

Content is innefectively organized

Insight 3

Process to book consultation is unclear

Competitive Analysis

We did a competitive analysis by evaluating Frantically Speaking against their top competitor websites. We picked the attributes to compare them based on the usability test and interview results.

Competitive Analysis

Based on this, we decided to focus on efficiency of use and content organization to improve the customer experience.


Based on the design hackathon brief and the user research, we decided on a design question and design requirements.

Design Question

How might we help first-time users of Frantically Speaking, a public speaking blog and coaching website, better consume the content on the website?

Design Requirements

Requirement 1

Improve the information flow throughout the website

Requirement 2

Improve the navigation on the blog page

Requirement 3

Improve the user experience of booking a consultation


We did some ideation of design ideas and I made an information architecture before creating wireframes for the second round of usability testing.


Based on the usability test results, we made an affinity diagram to organize design ideas to meet the goal of improving content consumption for first-time users. The items in pink are the aspects we decided to focus on in our designs.


Affinity Diagram


Information Architecture

Since navigation was a key issue with the current website, I made an information architecture to organize the website more effectively.


Information Architecture



We made wireframes for the key screens on the websites.

Requirement 1: Improve the information flow throughout the website

We made changes to the navigation and footer on all pages. We focused on the home page and consultations page to improve clarity and conciseness.

Issues with Original Home Page

Wireframe for Home Page Redesign

Original Home Page

Home Page Redesigned Wireframe

Issues with Original Consultations Page

Wireframe for Consultation Page Redesign

Original Consultations Page

Consultation Page Redesigned Wireframe

Requirement 2: Improve the navigation on the blog page

I included two images showing the issues with the original site and the redesigned wireframe that addresses those issues.

Issues with Original Blog Page

Top of the Original Blog Page

Bottom of the Original Blog Page

Wireframe for Blog Page Redesign

Blog Page Redesigned Wireframe

Requirement 3: Improve the user experience of booking a consultation

The original website had a poor experience for booking a consultation and there was no ability to select a time and date to meet without submitting name and email. In the wireframes, we designed a booking flow within the website without needing outside applications so that users can select a date and time before submitting the consultation form.

Issues with the Original Booking Flow

Original Booking Flow

Wireframe for Booking Flow

Booking Flow Redesigned Wireframe

Usability Testing

I tested the wireframes with 3 participants: one student and two working professionals. I asked the same questions and observed the same tasks as we did in the original usability tests so that we can compare the user experience of the wireframes to the original design.

Here are the key insights:

Insight 1

Users found that the mission statement in the landing page was unclear and would have liked more information about the consultations.

Insight 2

Users found the "Why should you join...?" section repetitive and the "How it Works" section unclear in the consultations page.

Insight 3

Users found the blog page easy to use and clear.

Insight 4

Users were able to book a consultation but would have preferred to have more information on the calendar page to aid their decision.

Insight 5

Users found the coach profile pages too information-heavy but wanted more information.

Insight 6

Users found the navigation clear but did not like the free consultations banner at the top of each page.


Based on the usability testing with the wireframes, I made the final designs.

Initial Home Page Design

In order to test the aesthetics of the design, I decided to make an initial high fidelity prototype of just the landing page to get feedback. While we tried to keep our visual design style similar to the branding of the Frantically Speaking website, we made changes to improve clarity, readability, and professionalism to promote ease of navigation and trust in the website through the consistent font type and button styles.


Initial Landing Page

Changes I made to the landing page based on the usability tests:

  • Removed the free consultation banner on the top (on all pages) and put it in the main banner of the landing page

  • Removed the mission statement

  • Added testimonials

  • Removed the free consultation button from the footer (on all pages)

Feedback on this design:

  • Fix capitalization

  • Make the image in the background clearer

  • Change button text to improve clarity

Final Designs

I have included a few final screens below and I made an interactive prototype with all of the screens. In addition to addressing the feedback from the initial landing page, I also made slight changes to the colors to improve contrast for accessibility and fixed some spacing issues.

Some of the Final Design Screens

Changes I made based on the usability test:

  • Blog Page: I added a search bar within the page for more intuitive searching of blogs.

  • Meet Coaches Page: I eliminated the coach profile pages and instead included a brief summary in the meet coaches pages. I also included email and LinkedIn links for each coach. I formatted this page similarly to the blog page since the blog page got positive feedback in the usability testing.

  • Consultations Page: I removed the “Why should you join?” section since that information was repetitive. I also made the “How It Works” section clearer by explaining each step and renaming the button to the free consultations form. I added a button to the free consultations form at the top of the page as well.

  • Calendar Flow: I added a field to include the selected coach on the form. I also reformatted the calendar to include the time slots within the calendar instead of showing them below.


Upon completing this project, I identified potential next steps based on what I learned from working as a product manager and reflected on what I learned.

Next Steps

I would like to track metrics on the redesigned website and compare them to the original website to determine if it added business value and improved engagement on the site. Key metrics I would like to track are the number of visits to the blog, the number of people who begin the consultation booking process, and the number of people who book a consultation.

Key Takeaways

Here are my main takeaways from this project:

  1. Learning the design tool can help with efficiency: In the past, I have only used the basic functionality of Figma which was time-consuming but met my project needs. For this project, I learned how to use auto-layout to create consistent designs faster. I also learned how to use the prototype panel to create pop-ups for usability testing.

  2. Modify the design process to suit the project needs: Doing multiple usability tests and a feedback session helped me quickly iterate and improve designs. This was important since most of the project was done in 2 days for a design hackathon. I expanded on the project after the hackathon ended.

I hope to apply what I learned from this project in my future projects!